Rationale and Research Goals

The specific longstanding research goals of the CUNY Macromolecular Assemblies Institute involve basic research with applications primarily to human health, energy  transfer, and agriculture.  Our faculty-led teams focus on macromolecular targets such as proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates, with specific goals that include the following:

  • to identify and characterize new molecular targets for drug design
  • to delineate disease-related macromolecular signals of cellular metabolism
  • to understand protein-nucleic acid interactions in animals, plants, and viruses
  • to characterize the structure of macromolecular assemblies associated with microbial virulence and cellular resistance to chemotherapy
  • to design polymeric biomedical materials for metabolic sensing and drug delivery
  • to design self-assembled materials for light harvesting, imaging, and sensor applications
  • to identify natural polymer complexes that promote resistance of plants to microbial pathogens and other environmental stresses
  • to develop the technological infrastructure to attain these goals

These research goals are pursued using three distinct but related strategies: discovery of structure-function relationships for molecular machines, simulation of macromolecular structures, and bio-inspired design of functionally robust assemblies.